Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Wednesday 11th May

In creating this page I wanted to use a similar technique to the tree page I had created, using threads and beads to stick down rather than being embroidered on. I then worked into it with blood red nail varnish and a black marker and tippex. After placing the typewriter text top and bottom of the page I thought the composition wasn't the best it could have been, I thought I could introduce the main sentence of this page and bring it into the imagery, however I wanted it to be a little bit different. I decided to cut out the letters from a newspaper, and even though the font faces would be different I would stick to the same colour scheme as I have on the page (black, grey, white, red). I then embroidered and drew an outline on the letters with gold to make them a little more special.
After creating the 'Huntsman' page I started thinking about the pages I had already created, and the ones I wanted to go on to create. I realised if I wanted some of the pages to be next to each other or work as a double page, I would have to add some extra pages in. The 'Huntsman' heart page was one of the pages that needed another page to sit next to. I began researching the story again and some of the imagery that feature in both the book and film, I knew that I wanted something that would relate do the page I just created so I decided just to do a simple portrait style page of the Huntsman. Even though it is a slightly more controlled style, and the colour palette is different these two pages look quite good together. This page is quite flat but seeing as I have other pages that have materials and more depth to them I think I will leave it as it is to create contrast.

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