Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Tuesday 24th May

I decided I would just do a few shots of the Snow White paper doll moving, to see what the effect would be in the stop-motion video. I decided that I wasn't actually pleased with it, the way the body is proportioned to fit the split pins means that it is not the recognisable Snow White silhouette. I decided, even though it is last minute, that I will redo the paper doll and adjust the other 'props' I have created for my stop motion. I've decided that even though it won't move as well as the split pin paper doll, I will create the traditional Snow White shape, and instead of using split pins I will just have the different parts loose but still overlapping (as it will not be visible they aren't attached on video), this will also allow more freedom in movement.
I went on to create most of the 'props' I wanted to use, after deciding I want the stop motion to feature the following:
  • An opening line
  • The introduction of Snow White/The Prince/The Evil Step-mother
  • The Evil Queen getting jealous of Snow White falling in love with the Prince
  • The potion disguise the Queen takes
  • The apple the Queen takes to poison the apple
  • Snow White eating the apple and falling to the ground
  • The Prince rescuing Snow White
  • 'Happily Ever After' text
I want to add colour to them using felt tips to get a nice vibrant colour and make them look as cartoon like as possible. I will need to go to town in the morning to get some felt tips.

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