Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Wednesday 27th April

Although I have only just began planning the pages for my final A3 book, there were two pages I was absolutely certain I wanted to feature in there, I had created smaller versions in my sketchbook but had decided they had worked so well that I did not want to change them in any way, these were the two pages of the evil queen in her disguise as an old woman (as shown below).
I decided what I would do is use the photocopier to photocopy the image, but blow it up to the larger a3 size that I wanted. I photocopied them onto thick tracing paper which I have previously worked on, I decided to do this as I have been playing round with using paint on the reverse side of the tracing paper as it shows through and creates some interesting patterns, which I have used in the background above and in some other areas. I then started working into the A3 images, it has taken a lot longer than I thought it would, especially as half the work was done for me by photocopying my original drawings. I will have to remember this when working on my other pages, and try and begin to work quicker.
Shown above is the two A3 pages I created which are going into my final book. They are very similar to the original smaller ones I created, however there are some changes to the colours and materials I used. I have stuck them to a larger piece of paper so they are ready to be constructed into the final book.

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