Thursday, 28 April 2011

Thursday 28th April

I decided before creating any of the other pages I would need to start planning the pages of my book so I have an idea of where I am going with it. However, first I needed to edit the story so it is not so long, and features the more sinister elements too. I then created a rough plan to place the text where I wanted on each of the different pages, I then  created 3 sketches with different compositions for each of the pages featuring the text I had already planned, then selected the page which I would work best.

I then began to work again on the images that are almost exact copies, as I am working over the photocopies I have done of them. I started on the Snow White image.
The dress looked a bit green as the inks merged together a bit more than they did in the original, but I thought it looked okay so started working on it further. However, I used a different type of tracing paper on the back to trap the ink, and over a few days I have realised it's not absorbent, therefore the inks are still wet and are running and mixing. I have decided I am going to re do this page using the original materials I did before so the dress will stay more as two seperate colours. 

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