Friday, 25 March 2011

Friday 25th March

Today I visited a gallery and exhibition in London as I felt I needed to look at some more artists and get some further ideas. 
First I went to the V&A as there was an exhibition of Walter Crane's children's book illustrations. I thought it would be useful as I am creating illustrations for a similar purpose, however once I got there the exhibition was made up of two small glass cabinets containing a few books. I was expecting something a little bigger containing more work. 

These two particular pieces were of interest to me. I like how the black and white create a monochrome effect which is really strong and bold. I will try and develop this in my development work, especially as I could play on the idea of creating more sinister imagery.
I then went to The Illustration Cupboard which is a gallery that features book illustration artists. I found several that I like the technique of and will go on to research further.

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